Can you tell you have a GENUINE Galaxy S III or a cheap fake clone? This app can!
Due to the high number of fake Galaxy S III hitting the market, it is necessary for people to know if they have a real, genuine device.
This app does exactly that: it reads the hardware signature of the device and tries to match it with an internal database of know genuine signatures. If a match is found, your device is confirmed to be genuine.
If the signature read from your device doesn't match any of the known signatures, a "no match" message will be shown. That indicates you may have a fake device.
If you get a "no match" but you are sure you have a genuine Galaxy S III, just click on "Identify" and send me the identity read from your phone so I can check the data and either confirm the diagnosis of a fake phone or update the application to include a new signature.
If you decide to submit the info to me, rest assured that absolutely no personal / unique info is sent.
A special thanks to all XDA users who submitted info from their devices so I could built a database of know devices. The thread for the original idea of this application can be found here: